Intelligence sector reform in Romania. The impact of international cooperation

Emilian Alexandru IONIȚĂ


The purpose of this article is to contribute to the relatively scarce scholarly literature regarding the democratisation of the intelligence sector in post-communist Europe, with a focus on the experience and lessons that can be learned from the case of Romania. Essentially, the article addresses the impact of external pressure (derived from international cooperation, both at the national and agency level) on the reforms undertaken by Romania after 1989 and in preparation for its accession to NATO and the EU. I build upon literature in intelligence studies and civil-military relations and I analyse the two waves of legislative and institutional changes reflected in official documents, legislation, and public interviews by prominent members of the intelligence community. I also highlight the importance as well as the limits of international cooperation of Romanian agencies with their Western counterparts (NATO/EU institutions as well as agencies in member states) as a factor of democratization.


■ Intelligence ■ Democratization ■ Romania ■ NATO ■ EU ■ SIE ■ SRI

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Intelligence sector reform in Romania. The impact of international cooperation_Emilian Alexandru Ionita - RJSP v. 15, no. 2.pdf